Sweeper Photo


Arterial/collector streets are swept once each month. Residential streets are swept two to three times a year. This is a big commitment to beautifying our City and to helping improve the water quality of our urban streams. Pollutants in the street (fluids from vehicles, debris, pet waste) are carried by rain water runoff into the storm water system. Storm water which flows to a catch basin does not go to a treatment plant, but drains directly to a natural water source. Sweeping helps remove pollutants that are on the streets before they enter the storm water system.

How You Can Help
Cooperation from the community is key to the success of the Street Sweeping Program. Here are ways you can help:

  • Observe the Municipal Code which prohibits placing any debris in the street, such as grass clippings, tree limbs, bark mulch, rocks and garbage.
  • Remove grass or weeds that grow in the gutter to reduce debris and improve water runoff during rain storms.
  • Report abandoned vehicles to Shoreline's Customer Response Team at (206) 801-2700.

For more information: Street Cleaning Plan