Shoreline's trees, forests, and other ecosystems are some of our community's greatest assets. Healthy trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it, helping us reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. They also provide clean air and water, shade and protection from heat, reduced flooding, improved mental health, recreation opportunities, and habitat for local wildlife.

While we work to reduce emissions from transportation by supporting dense, walkable, transit-oriented development, we are also working to protect and increase our existing urban tree canopy. Shoreline's Climate Action Plan outlines several strategies and actions to protect existing trees, plant new trees, especially in areas that need them the most, and make our parks and green spaces healthier. 

Shoreline's Healthy Ecosystems Programs

Improve & Expand Our Parks
Increase Tree Canopy
Reduce Chemicals on City Property
Salmon-Safe Certified City

What You Can Do

Volunteer to Help Our Parks Thrive

Healthy forested parks and greenspaces have the power to strengthen neighborhoods, provide safe access to nature, offer numerous valuable environmental benefits, and play a critical role in supporting salmon and a healthy Puget Sound.

Green Shoreline Partnership

Create Healthy Natural Areas at Home

The more healthy natural areas we have, the better. That's why we offer several programs to help you make small changes to your yard with big environmental payoffs.

Plant More Trees
Install a Rain Garden
Plant More Native Plants