City of Shoreline
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In accordance with RCW 35.77.010, cities in Washington State are required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive six-year transportation plan. On May 20, 2024, Shoreline City Council adopted Resolution No. 522 adopting the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). The City of Shoreline’s six-year TIP is a short-range planning document that is updated annually.
- Based upon needs and policies identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Master Plan.
- Identifies Shoreline’s current needed transportation projects and programs for the next six years.
- Includes some projects that are longer range and may last beyond the six year horizon.
- Projects in the TIP can be funded or unfunded.
The six-year TIP includes transportation projects such as road and bridge work, and bicycle or pedestrian facilities. In addition to local projects, the TIP also identifies projects and programs of regional significance for inclusion in the regional TIP. The City’s TIP is used to secure federal funding for transportation projects.
Through development of the TIP, the City prioritizes these transportation needs utilizing information such as the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP), safety and accident history, growth trends, traffic studies and the transportation element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Project descriptions, costs, funding options and the project status are identified for each project in the TIP.