Drain Rangers: Episode 2 from Transect Films on Vimeo.

You can help keep our streams, lakes, and Puget Sound clean for wildlife, and safe for us all to enjoy while swimming, fishing, and recreating. 

Don'tDripAndDriveDon't Drip and Drive - Fix Car Leaks!

Even a small leak can have a big impact on your car and on the health of Puget Sound. Check your vehicle for leaks often and fix them as soon as they occur.

No Dumping, drains to stream medallionMark Storm Drains

Help spread the clean water message! You can volunteer to mark storm drains in your neighborhood with “Dump No Waste" medallions. Call (206) 801-2420 to reserve a kit. 


Soak It UpSoak it Up! Install a Rain Garden

The City offers rebates up to $2,000 for home and business owners in Shoreline to install a rain garden on their property. Visit the Soak It Up page for more information, or use the button on the right to schedule a free site visit and consultation. 

pesticidefreezonesignUse Natural Yard Care 

Reduce pesticide and fertilizer use by switching to all-natural, nutrient rich compost. Fertilizers and pesticides wash off our lawns and gardens in the rain and end up in our streams, lakes, and Puget Sound where they can harm wildlife, pets and  people!

gooddogwalkerimageScoop it! Bag pet waste and throw it in the trash

Pet waste contains bacteria and disease-causing organisms that can infect people and pets. Bag pet waste and throw it in the trash. Bacteria from pet waste gets into Shoreline lakes and streams like Thornton Creek, Echo Lake and Hidden Lake.

carwashiconUse a commercial car wash!

Commercial car washes are the most environmentally-friendly way to wash your car, using less water and sending it for treatment. Holding a fundraising event? Consider selling car wash tickets instead. If you can't take your car to a commercial wash, wash it on the grass where the water will soak into the ground.

Storm Drain Clearing Seattle Post-Intelligencer Joshua TrujilloAdopt a Drain 

You can help reduce flooding and keep water clean by adopting storm drains in your neighborhood. Visit the Adopt-A-Drain page for more information and to sign up. 

onlyraindownthestormdrainReport Illegal Dumping - Nothing but Rain down the Drain!

Nothing but rain should enter storm drains. Report dumping into storm drains from activities such as car washing in the street, rinsing paint or cement equipment, or oil spills by calling the City at (206) 801-2700.