The City of Shoreline is partnering with Washington State University to offer a FREE 7-week climate change education and action series. Join us for all seven weeks in this virtual webinar series or just a few—it’s up to you!
Sign up for each session you would like to attend at:
Addressing climate change and social inequities simultaneously requires bold action to prioritize equity and co-benefits (solutions that have multiple benefits for the environment and people beyond just a stable climate), and address climate change as a threat multiplier to other social issues such as public health, affordable housing, and food security. Led by the climate equity staff of King County’s Climate Action Team, this session will focus on how equity and climate change intersect. We will cover an overview of how climate change will impact communities across King County, how it acts as a threat multiplier to existing inequities, who is disproportionately impacted by climate change, and how we can create climate policies and programs that support sustainable and resilient communities.
Jamie Stroble works for King County’s Climate Action Team as the lead for climate equity, community partnerships, climate engagement and communications, across all county agencies, working to integrate equity and community leadership into regional climate policy-making. Over the past 4 years, she created and facilitated the new Climate Equity Community Task Force that co-developed a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community-driven climate justice framework as a new section of the County’s 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan. Jamie brings over a decade of experience in environmental justice-related fields, including experience in youth programming, leadership development, intergenerational programing with immigrants & refugee communities, affordable housing, food access, and air quality & environmental health. She is actively involved in community work, serving on the University of Washington EarthLab Advisory Board, Steering Committee of the Puget Sound Climate Preparedness Collaborative, Built Environment workgroup of the Healthy King County Coalition, APICAT (Asian Pacific Islander Coalition Advocating Together) for Healthy Communities board, as co-chair of the Housing & Neighborhoods Committee of the Seattle Planning Commission, and was a founding Community Partner Steering Committee member for the City of Seattle's Environment & Equity Initiative.
Saba Rahman works on King County’ Climate Action Team as the Climate Engagement and Preparedness Coordinator. She has been supporting the development of King County’s 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan over the past year and a half, particularly working on the climate equity focused section of the plan. Saba recently graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance with a Master’s in Public Administration and has previous experience working in education, community building, and environmental management.
King County Climate Action:
King County Climate Equity Community Task Force: